Holla Peeps :D
Argh ! I just finish watching SNSD & THE DANGEROUS BOY .If any of ayou guys are interested in Kpop Vareity Show ,you guys always know about it .Anyhow ! Ever since i watched that show ,i suddenly realize that one of the boy that face is very similar to of my senior :D Well ,takla sama sangat tapi nak dekat seiras dengan senior aku ni .He is so adorable ! I just wanna bite his chubby little cheek >.< Setiap kali kalau aku tengok show tu semestinya aku akan usha my one of the most cutest dangerous boy .Tapi sekarang tak dangerous sebab dah berubah .Korang kenala tengok dulu baru korang akan paham ape yang aku cakap ni .Maksud "Dangerous" tu ape :) Argh ! Ya Allah ! Kalau aku dapat pegi Seoul ,i'm going to find that oppa .If i get the chance .Kalau aku dapat jumpe ,siap tangkap gambar lagi dengan dia <3 Nak-nak sangat p pelok dia tuh ! Macamla riaksi dia nanti (",")
#Aiygoo :D Neomu gwieyowo !
p/s : Kalau aku jumpa dia an,try tanya "Will you be my boyfriend" ? Hahah ! What will he react about that !!!! :P

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