Dear readers ,
Assalamua'laikum? I know it's been awhile right .It is has been so long i didn't update my blog .Well that because i have my own reason .For the record ,i'am free now :) My school life has finally ended .Super duper excited .I don't have to worry about some bullshit stuff .Now ,i can do whatever i want to .No one can judge me now well ,except for my parents .But they are my parents and who cares? Oh boy ! There's so many things i wanna experience .As you all know ,i passed my computer test for my car license .I got 48 correct over 50 question .I was jaw drops when i saw my result .Like seriously ! I never expect that i'm gonna passed that test because for your information ,i prepared my study for the test like literally at the last minute .You have know ideas how much i'am nervous at that day .Super freakin' nervous .Like imma 'bout to pee in my pants . Okay ! Enough about me ,as for now ,i'm so freakin' bored at home .I got nothing to do except surfing internet and watched Youtube and for the record ,Youtube is my only friend right now to get over my boredom .But yeah ,it is very hard to get used to it but after a time it will not be so bothersome .Well ,for me ,i'am getting used to it .It is usual for me .So ,2014 has arrived ! Excited? Me ? Not really .But there's alot of thing i need to change about myself .
Changes :-
Well ,i think that's all i need to change some few things about myself .That's my 2014 resolution and my determination .InsyaAllah .
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Changes :-
- I have to be more mature .
- I need to take good care of my parents
- I have to WOKR HARD to get that THING .
- I want to get awesome pointer when i'm in college .
- I don't want to missed my 5 times prayers .
- Always read Quran after my 5 times prayers .
Well ,i think that's all i need to change some few things about myself .That's my 2014 resolution and my determination .InsyaAllah .
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This is the most awesome year for me <3 Love all the people around me right now .They are so down to earth and always been there for me :)

Catat Ulasan